Change the style of text.


Class Font-size Example
text-h1 2rem/32px Heading 1
text-h2 1.5rem/24px Heading 2
text-h3 1.25rem/20px Heading 3
text-h4 1.125rem/18px Heading 4
text-h5 1rem/16px Heading 5
text-h6 1rem/16px Heading 6
text-title 1rem/16px Title
text-subtitle 0.8rem/12.8px Subtitle
text-p 0.875rem/14px Paragraph
text-lg 1.125rem/18px Large
text-normal 1rem/16px Normal/Default
text-md 0.875rem/14px Medium
text-sm 0.8rem/12.8px Small


Class Font-weight Example
font-bold 600 Bold
font-semibold 500 Semibold
font-normal 400 Normal


Class Example
text-capitalize Example of a capitalize text.
text-uppercase Example of a uppercase text.
text-lowercase Example of a lowercase text.
text-italic Example of a italic text.
text-underline Example of a underline text.
text-strikethrough Example of a strikethrough text.


Class Example
text-left left
text-center center
text-right right
text-justify justify

Font family

Class Example
font-primary Use primary font $family-primary
font-mono Use monospace font $family-monospace